Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Numbers Update

I went to the cancer center this morning for a complete blood count. All of my cells are slowly recovering but at least their doing it on their own. After this stem cell transplant my body seems to be recovering better than all the times in the past. Which is intriguing considering what my body has been through, I'm surprised that it can still make it's own cells. And that's a good thing since my body does not react well when I receive blood or platelets. I usually receive Tylenol and 50mg of Benedryl to prevent hives that swell up my whole body.

I haven't received my marker numbers yet but Thursday I will be going back in for another complete blood count, so by then they should have the results back on the cancer count. Til' then,



Donaldson Family said...

Thanks for the update and keep us informed on your progress.

We are praying for you.

Bobby said...

Sounds great man! Thanks for the update.

Prayers are with you,
