Tuesday, October 14, 2008

New Doctor at UMMC

Well I had another appointment at the UMMC only this time with a specialist for my particular cancer. He has been following my situation but this is the first time I had actually met him. His suggestion was to do a PET scan to see if their are any tumors left. And if their are, he suggested that I go to Sloan Kettering in Manhattan to have them surgically removed. That is of course if the surgeons in Baltimore do not feel comfortable removing them. So right now the plan of course is to go to the UMMC on Thursday and have the PET scan done. And pray between now and then that their is no tumors but only according to the Lord's will.

I did ask him what his professional opinion was that this is the first time that the numbers had gone down by themselves without chemo. His answer to me was, he crossed his fingers and said,"let's hope." All I could do is laugh.

Is this what the world calls wisdom? Because I have to tell you, for all of you who actually depend on these doctors and think that they make a difference, my deepest sympathy goes out to you, and I pray if the Lord wills He gives you increase in your vision and hearing.

One of the major learning lessons that I have learned in this travail is that the unrighteousness of man abounds the righteousness of God and how truly perfect He is.


1 comment:

Donaldson Family said...

Just on a funny side note, Abigail was reading along with us and thought the doctor crossed his 2 index fingers like he was making a hex sign at you, anyways it was a funny visual image.
It is good that you have hope other than what he is talking about.
We are praying for you.