Sunday, November 30, 2008

Chemo plus Radiation

The latest plan that the doctors have come up with is that on Monday they want to start doing the chemo along with the radiation because of the speed at which the cancer is growing. They gave me this news on Friday when I went in to see my oncologist for an appointment. Of course the other news was that I had 6 months to a year if things went well. Well last time that I checked the Lord was the only one that knew my appointed time.

Just to give kind of a refresher course on this whole experience, so all of you have a better idea, in Feb 2007 diagnosed with testicular cancer. From the get go, I started off with a a very strict regimen, basically just vegetables, herbs and supplements. No meats and hardly any fruits. This lasted for about 4 months then started to do the chemo given that there was no effect. After this it was about August when the cancer started to come back with force. Numbers were low so i hit it with everything, Joanna Budwig diet, green shakes, barley pills, on and on and on. Over 100 oz of juice a day, carrot, broccoli, beets, garlic and on. My pH was like 9.5 to 10. But the cancer remained full speed ahead and grew stronger and faster. So after this is when I went to stem cell recovery to where I am now.

I am not saying that the people that are on the Internet are lying or any such thing but nobody has come to me with a regiment that has even begun to work. Of course everybody has the magic drink, or concoction, but none seem to work. So by God's good grace I continue to search but only if he gives the increase is anything going to work. That is the ultimate to the end of this whole excursion, only by His increase will anything work.

So I am absolutely obliged to anyone that has a direction for me to go, but this will give you all a better idea in that i have done the raw food, no sugar, high pH, mangosteen, flax seed oil/cottage cheese, nutrition, fermented foods, and not only that but have done them together for quite a while.

Oh, and now I even started doing Vit. C infusion so we'll see how that goes. Its suppose to help with side effects of chemo if nothing else, but we'll see. Praise the Lord.



Unknown said...

Thank you for your insight.
I understand trying "everything out there".
It can be so very exhausting.
What is very interesting about Jerry's talk, is the old fashioned colustrum cure that he used.
He drew vials of his own blood, they were injected up the teat of a dry pregnant cow, borrowed from an amish farmer.
THis was done for a month I think, up till when she calved.
WHen her colustrum came in, they milked a container of it, and Jerry drank a small portion of it each day.
Colustrum by itself is an intense immune booster. Inoculated with his infectious blood, it became a powerful cancer killer.
He had full die off in 4 days.
This strange practice is being used very effectivly today, in other countries.
Jerry lives in Martins Creek, PA. He is readily available to assist those that want to give it a try.
What can it hurt? It will takes just a few days.
At the very least, listen to the video. He explains why glucose and morphine, given by IV actually contribute to all cancers further growth, and why eating meat is essential for the cancer patient.

Trusting the Lord will show you a way,
Here is Jerry's site. Phone and email contacts at the top of the page.

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog through the Donaldson's (new to theirs, too). As far as other treatments go, I knew a family who's adult son was helped by apricot seed kernels. They are Christians, and the son is now cancer-free. I'll give you the website of the supplier, here in Canada:

I don't know if you've tried the apricot seeds, but they're full of Vitamin B17. It must be discouraging trying so many things that don't work. I'll be following your journey and praying for you.

Grace and peace to you,