Sunday, November 9, 2008

"Time to reap"

Well today we had a brother stop by today with his family. We started off by butchering the chickens and the duck. I didn't take to many, but here is a couple of pictures of the bounty from our Lord.

This is Bob taking the head off his first chicken. He had butchered plenty of deer so by the second chicken he was a pro.

This is his first born son Bobby holding the chicken while my dad teaches Bob the ropes on skinning a chicken.

And of course this is the finished product. The chicken still needed to be a little more cleaned up, which was done by our wives. Then after that we raked leaves and put them in the garden to create some organic matter for next years garden,"Lord willing". And bringing a wonderful day of fellowship to closure we all went inside for a lesson on parents and children and duties to the Lord. Praise the Lord, what a glorious day. The only thing that would have made it better is to have more brothers there. Goodnight,



Bobby said...

Hey man, Wish I could have been there...reminds me of Texas when we would would skin the chickens and turkeys. Remember when we tried to milk a pygmy goat. Ha!!

Hope all is well.


Donaldson Family said...

We butchered a small rooster today. Elijah cut off the head and the girls plucked the feathers and did most of the skinning. After it was skinned, the children all talked about how this one looked like yours did unlike the others we have butchered out here. The others were free range, and tough as a boot and didn't have the same nice color as the one you showed.

Anyways, it sounds like a good time and we miss you.
