Monday, December 15, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Update on Chemo/Radiation/VitC
But another thing that we have been looking at is "hyper-immunized milk" that was introduced to me by someone that had posted a comment on my blog. So right now we are trying to get a hold of an Amish gentleman that sells colostrum and may be able to point us in the right direction to proceed. But as far as I can tell he just sells produce so we're praying for the increase of the Lord if it is His will.
It's been awhile since I posted but that was due to strength issues. And over the past 2 weeks it's been a struggle between pain and fatigue. To the point that most time I've had to have people read to me given that I didn't have the strength to do it myself. We thank you for the prayers that went out to the brothers that came to visit. So were praying for his safe return back to Argentina to his family Lord willing. The Lord is merciful!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Chemo plus Radiation
Just to give kind of a refresher course on this whole experience, so all of you have a better idea, in Feb 2007 diagnosed with testicular cancer. From the get go, I started off with a a very strict regimen, basically just vegetables, herbs and supplements. No meats and hardly any fruits. This lasted for about 4 months then started to do the chemo given that there was no effect. After this it was about August when the cancer started to come back with force. Numbers were low so i hit it with everything, Joanna Budwig diet, green shakes, barley pills, on and on and on. Over 100 oz of juice a day, carrot, broccoli, beets, garlic and on. My pH was like 9.5 to 10. But the cancer remained full speed ahead and grew stronger and faster. So after this is when I went to stem cell recovery to where I am now.
I am not saying that the people that are on the Internet are lying or any such thing but nobody has come to me with a regiment that has even begun to work. Of course everybody has the magic drink, or concoction, but none seem to work. So by God's good grace I continue to search but only if he gives the increase is anything going to work. That is the ultimate to the end of this whole excursion, only by His increase will anything work.
So I am absolutely obliged to anyone that has a direction for me to go, but this will give you all a better idea in that i have done the raw food, no sugar, high pH, mangosteen, flax seed oil/cottage cheese, nutrition, fermented foods, and not only that but have done them together for quite a while.
Oh, and now I even started doing Vit. C infusion so we'll see how that goes. Its suppose to help with side effects of chemo if nothing else, but we'll see. Praise the Lord.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
The Lord's Will
I do have a wonderful brother coming up from Argentina to lend a hand in this perilous time, I only ask that you pray for his family while he is away and for his safe travel to and from.
Until we hear the trumpet sound, come Lord Jesus Christ come, who is the Alpha and the Omega, Amen!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Vitamin C / Radiation
This is kind of a bunch of updates at once, the one above which was last Wednesday and this next one which happened on Friday. I went to UMMC on Friday to get some test done to see if I even qualify for radiation. All actually went well, but what a tiring day. When I got there the first thing they did was to prepare me for surgery. The whole idea was to put a camera in my artery starting in my groin area and feed it up to my liver. Two things were to come out of this. One was to measure the amount of blood flowing to my liver to be sure their was enough. And the other was to deposit a small amount of those radioactive glass beads and make sure no more than a certain amount escaped into my lungs. Kind of like a "dry run" if you will. If to many would escape it would cause a lot of scare tissue in the lungs which would obviously cause more problems than help. So they are to call me this Monday about their findings.
Then after that i had to go downstairs to radiation to have a cast made of my mid-section for when they do the radiation therapy. The idea is that this will pinpoint each tumor and burn each one up. So between waiting and the actual cast fitting it took another three hours. So total for the day, we started 5:30 in the morning and did not get home until 7:30 Friday night. So you can imagine how tired i was when i finally got home.
So the Lord gave us a wonderful sabbath to rest up. And rest up we did, slept most of the day but did get some good studying in until the nurse showed up to change my port anyway.
This Tuesday i go back in for another dose of the vitamin c. Lord willing this will take care of the problem that i will not have to do any radiation.
Well this is the update to this point so far. Lord willing these updates will become more frequent about the homestead and less frequent about the cancer. But we'll see.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
"Time to reap"
This is Bob taking the head off his first chicken. He had butchered plenty of deer so by the second chicken he was a pro.
This is his first born son Bobby holding the chicken while my dad teaches Bob the ropes on skinning a chicken.
And of course this is the finished product. The chicken still needed to be a little more cleaned up, which was done by our wives. Then after that we raked leaves and put them in the garden to create some organic matter for next years garden,"Lord willing". And bringing a wonderful day of fellowship to closure we all went inside for a lesson on parents and children and duties to the Lord. Praise the Lord, what a glorious day. The only thing that would have made it better is to have more brothers there. Goodnight,
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Nearing the End
Saturday, November 1, 2008
On to Radiation
Their solution that they came up with so far is, they cut a small incision in my artery in the groin area, slide a tube up the vein, and distribute these little glass balls to the area of each one of these lesions. Now the purpose of these balls is two-fold. One they go into the veins of the liver until they get lodged in the capillaries and cut off the blood supply to each lesion. The second use is that they are covered in radiation which of course kills the tumors, or that's the theory anyway.
Now their thinking is that the tumor in the lung no problem, the tumor in the abdomen 50/50, but the liver, even after that procedure their will be more trouble on it's way. And I have no idea as of yet what would be next. Once again, I have to tell you, I'm voting for the vitamin c.
My Oncologist has talked to the top doctor on this type of cancer, and he said their is no more chemo, I've had every drug they have and nothing worked. He also talked to the top doctors at Sloan Kettering to no avail. Their are some other thing that they are looking into, but nothing real decisive yet.
The reason that it took so long to get a post out is that the next day I went into the hospital due to pain and was not released until Friday at 2:00. Then of course we had to get ready for the sabbath which ended around 6:00 tonight. So I give all praise and glory to the Lord for another sabbath with my wife. Which we achieved some great study in Job and Luke.
Lord willing I should post soon,
Friday, October 24, 2008
Homestead Update
If you look closely you can see the orchard that we have just planted. It consist of two pear trees, a fig tree, apple tree, almond tree and a banana tree. The first time that I bought trees I bought them young trying to save money. If you decide to plant an orchard, DO NOT do this. These trees are older and will start fruiting next year. You'll spend a lot more money but you'll also have fruit. The trees that I bought TWO YEARS ago still have another TWO TO THREE YEARS before we can expect fruit. The last addition I hope to get planted this year is an olive tree. But we'll see, their pretty expensive.
You can barely make out the grape arbor on the left. We hope to make wine from the grapes and the pears, Lord willing that He gives us the increase.
This is a picture of our Muscovy ducks that we had gotten when I was in for my last stem cell a month ago. She actually has five more ducklings that were inside the pen. I started off with the Peking duck but later learned that the Muscovy is a better duck for eating. Plus easier for breeding given that the Pekings need water for that. And since we do not have a pond as of yet, Muscovy's are more accommodating.
This is the chicken coop that I had started during last stem cell also. As you can see its mostly complete now just needs some final touches. That the next boxes in front, makes it a lot easier collecting eggs that way. Were up to about a dozen a day now, theirs nothing like range fed eggs.
This is a picture of our make shift corn crib. We'll build a more permanent one for next year, but for this year it was sufficient. Now anyone that knows know that we only live on an acre and a half. So you may be wondering how it is that we have full ears of corn. Here is my advise to you. Their are plenty of corporate farmers around all of us. Get it while it's good, we go out and pick up the fields behind the farmer, free food for you livestock, or in my case, poultry. You can't beat it. Now we took him some fresh eggs to be nice, and he loved it and told us their would be more next year. Now if you have children, that free labor, you could really clean the fields up and hardly have to buy any feed.
Now if you look closely, on the right hand side of the picture you can see thanksgiving dinner. The other ones will be dinner at a later date but Lord willing we'll have the duck for thanksgiving. Hopefully were going to have a little butcher party get together. Theirs about five chickens plus the duck that needs to be butchered.
This is just an overall picture of how things are located. You can now see the grape arbor and the coop all the way in the left rear of the picture. Now once again you can see on the right of the picture what appears to be sticks sticking up, that the orchard. And our garden is directly behind it. Lord willing He will give me my health for this spring and summer so we can have an increase at His discretion. To the left and behind is our house, that we pray to fill with believers, that are truly searching to live according to ways of the Lord.
Were going to get ready for the sabbath so I guess that's all for now, that and I'm out of pictures. So until the Lord allows that I post again, Adios.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Well I had a PET/CT scan done last Thursday to see the results of these last two stem cell transplants. It appears that I now have metastasis in my liver area, chest and back area. Sound good to you, yeah, I didn't think so either.
So now they want to do radiation. To which I was to be doing today, but I had to get admitted to the hospital last night due to pain, so that got rescheduled for next Tuesday. And I guess while their talking to me about the radiation, they'll talk to me about clinical trials. So we'll see how things progress but I'm checking into intravenous vitamin c and voting for that. Talk soon,
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
New Doctor at UMMC
I did ask him what his professional opinion was that this is the first time that the numbers had gone down by themselves without chemo. His answer to me was, he crossed his fingers and said,"let's hope." All I could do is laugh.
Is this what the world calls wisdom? Because I have to tell you, for all of you who actually depend on these doctors and think that they make a difference, my deepest sympathy goes out to you, and I pray if the Lord wills He gives you increase in your vision and hearing.
One of the major learning lessons that I have learned in this travail is that the unrighteousness of man abounds the righteousness of God and how truly perfect He is.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Are you as confused as I am?
Now on to the confusing part. If you remember, after the first stem cell treatment, I felt great. My marker numbers came down to 7 and I had felt the best I felt in two years. But after 3 weeks when I went in to receive my second stem cell treatment, my bHCG had jumped up to 550 and the AFP was around 60.
Now when I received my first marker after my second stem cell treatment (stay with me, kind of confusing) the bHCG was 141 and the AFP was at a lower number but can't remember what. Now the bHCG is at 31, a little high and the AFP is at 5.3, normal. That's the good part. The bad part is that I'm in very uncomfortable pain and I have no idea why. I pray it's my body recovering, but at this point, who knows.
I have an appointment on Monday to see a doctor at UMMC just as a kind of preliminary in case I need to take a next step. Which I pray not, until next time,
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Revision on progress
So, I address him a couple more times, each time getting a little stronger each time with poison (or the true gospel) pleading with him for his withdraw in a peaceful manner. In the end to no avail but that he threw me on the rack stretched and beat me, then chained me to a post to be a spectacle to the world to repent of my confession then released me.
Now in the end, he has come back, once again, to a mirage of lies and false gospels, deceiving all the other cells with his idol worship, pagan holidays (Easter, Christmas, Halloween, birthdays etc.) and convinced the other cells if they pick the right political leaders all will be well, as he distorts, corrupts, and mutilates the other cells from their natural use to a use that is abominable. Then concludes by tying me up at the stake and threatening to burn me if I don't recant.
Praise the Lord that the joke is on him. He may have power over the flesh but not the soul, and to be absent in the flesh is to present with the Lord.
But on to the numbers at hand. My bhcg has gone back up to 141, which as you may or may not know, normal is 4. Afp is 16, normal 4. White blood cells have dropped to 1.3 normal being 4.0-10.
As much as I pray for the Lord to remove this thorn, I pray more for His will, for His wisdom is perfect. His knowledge absolute, eternal to eternal, everlasting! I praise my Lord and Savior, not that I am good, but that He is. Heaven is for those that have been chosen by the Father, redeemed by the Son, sanctified by the Spirit, and find discipline and obedience in the commandments of God. Til then,
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Numbers Update
I haven't received my marker numbers yet but Thursday I will be going back in for another complete blood count, so by then they should have the results back on the cancer count. Til' then,
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Headed for Pa.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Fever over 104.0
Tomorrow is the start of our sabbath so it will most likely be after that before i post again. Lord willing, my wife is to be here Friday evening, and my parents sometime Saturday afternoon. Of course my parents will leave Saturday evening and my wife will keep me company until Sunday evening. I praise the Lord for the visitors that He has given me both times I have been down here at UMMC. Talk soon,
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Receive Stemcells today
Stem cell sounds like a big deal but it really isn't. Their frozen when they get here, thaw them into an extra large syringe, then just push them into your port, or vein or whatever. The only real side effect is that it taste like tomato soup from the preservative they put in the stem cells. Which you can also smell in the room while they are injecting them.
My father and aunt showed up today. Gave me someone to talk to in between dozing in and out.
I feel pretty worn down, I'll try to write later on this week but if it's anything like the last session it's going to be pretty rough until next Wed. or Thur. Talk soon.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Going back in / Second day chemo
Last weekend I started to have pain in my back again but then it went away. It reoccurred last night bad enough for me to take pain reliever for it. I pray it's just from the work I've been trying to do to get things caught up before I go back in. But we'll see.
Sorry for the delay, this was to be posted on Thursday but never made it due to trying to get things caught up. Moving on.
The ride down on Friday was unbearable, and by the time I got situated in my room it was most likely the most pain that I have experienced so far. The pain went from my bottom left side to the top of my left shoulder blade. It took 90mg of IV morphine, laudanum, and Oxycontin to get rid of the pain. After they got the pain under control, which took until about midnight, they got me started on the chemo. The first day went well as usual, but the second day has been rough unlike the first round. I pray that the third is no worse than the second, but I'll see tonight.
On a better note, this is the last dose of this round, then Monday is my rest day.After that they insert my stem cells back into me on Tuesday. And if it's anything like last time at the end of the week the pain starts, but we'll see.
They did an MRI on me when I got here and seem to think that the pain was caused by the deterioration in my spine, probably due to the chemo, certainly not what you want to hear. But still waiting to see what my bHCG marker is to tell whether its the cancer or not, but we'll see.
Well obviously the homestead in on hold once again but we did get the chicken coop almost completely done thanks to Bob a brother up here and my Dad.
Sorry about the pictures, just learning how to do it, but it gives you the general idea of whats going on. Lord willing, talk soon,
Thursday, August 21, 2008
"Another round for the house please"
So the options that I have is to do one more round or wait a month to six months to see what transpires. The doctors suggestion is to hit it while its down and kill anything that may be left. Whereas dealing with this for almost two years now, I agree. But accordingly, I will be praying for direction in this matter.
As most of you know, I hit this cancer hard naturally in the beginning before the first treatment, and even harder after the first but before the second to no avail. Then continued with about six more cycles of chemo over the past year, which towards the end seemed to feed the cancer rather then kill it. That's why I agree with the doctor. But as I said earlier, its in the Lords hand.
Their suppose to try to get me in in the next two weeks. While I feel pretty well Ill be trying to get our fall planting in. Our spring planting didn't do so well since I was so sick most of the summer.
The farm is slowly growing and coming together, so right now were farther than some, but not as far as others, as is life. Chickens should be laying in a week or so, and Lord willing the plan, (depending on health) is to get some sheep and a horse. Til next time,
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Report on Numbers
Now I am not so deceived as to think that this struggle is over by any means, but, at this time I would like to thank my God, the one true God, Creator of the heavens and the earth, for the brothers and fellow believers that have prayed their prayers regarding this affliction of mine. Even if this is but an intermission, I praise the Lord to be back on my feet. Til next time,
Monday, August 11, 2008
Back Home
Well my numbers are slowly going up, their taking a little longer than they normally would have because of the extensive amounts of chemo that I had previosly gone through before the stemcell transplant, but none the less are creeping their way back up. The white blood cells are at 5.5, and the platelets are in the 20's. Not that these are the only two, but are the more important that the wbc keep the infections down, and the platelets keep you from bleeding out. I go in on Wed. for another cbc (complete blood count) to find out what my numbers are then. Today when they did the cbc they also took blood for my tumor markers. This has not been done since before I went in for the stemcell. I pray for increase from the Lord.
If the Lord wills I will post again on Wed. after I get my counts and give an update on how things are going. Talk soon,
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Another sabbath day from the Lord
I actually had a few visitor's stop by, mom, dad, aunt and a friend of my cousin. The family all left around 6:30 and headed home. Of course my wife was here, but I think that goes without saying.
So the good news is that my mouth is finally starting to heal. There were blisters and abbesses in my cheeks which made it next to impossible to chew and swallow. My wbc(white blood cells) count is finally going up, it's up to 0.3, and the platelets made it to 25. The platelets were becoming a problem because my body was killing them as fast as they were putting them in my body. So they gave me a steroid to counteract this problem. All in all I feel well today, and should continue to do better as my counts go up. I'll keep everyone posted.
til' then
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Second week of stem cell