Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I wanted to post earlier on the new events going on around the homestead, but the pain has prevented me from doing so. Lord willing I'll be straightened out in the next day or so and will be able to get that part updated.

Well I had a PET/CT scan done last Thursday to see the results of these last two stem cell transplants. It appears that I now have metastasis in my liver area, chest and back area. Sound good to you, yeah, I didn't think so either.

So now they want to do radiation. To which I was to be doing today, but I had to get admitted to the hospital last night due to pain, so that got rescheduled for next Tuesday. And I guess while their talking to me about the radiation, they'll talk to me about clinical trials. So we'll see how things progress but I'm checking into intravenous vitamin c and voting for that. Talk soon,


1 comment:

Bobby said...

Praying for ya bro!! I pray the Lord guides you and gives you wisdom and strength to make the best decisions you need to. Praying for the doctors as well...I am sure they need much more wisdom HA! Love you bro!
